Make sure the node version is the latest LTS or the one recommended in the Gutenberg documentation. Gutenberg Node JS Development Environment
nvm install v20.11.0 or nvm use v20.11.0
npx @wordpress/create-block block_name
After it has been installed (and you made sure it uses the latest version of node), run the following command:
npm start
If node_modules isn’t installed, run the following command:
npm install
To add a functionality where you can drag and drop and rearrange blocks within your Gutenberg blocks you can use sortable hoc
npm i react-sortable-hoc --force
To save the Gutenberg block so you can use it on another website, use below. Run plugin-zip is only useful to upload to the live website.
zip -r my-folder -x "my-folder/node_modules/*"
If you made changes to a block and you need to upload the updated plugin, you need to zip the plugin files before uploading it to the live website.
npm run plugin-zip
Have any questions or comments? Write them below!